Regional Support
AFPAG encourages the formation and continued development of local adoptive and foster parent associations with Sub-Regional Vice Presidents who are local area representatives committed to giving the personal attention necessary for each area’s continuing growth. This attention and leadership promotes and enhances mutual coordination, cooperation, and communication among adoptive and foster parents, child welfare agencies, and other community individuals directly connected with the foster and adoptive system. There are sixteen sub-regions covering the 159 counties of Georgia. Sub-regional VPs are AFPAG’s local arms, extending to support one association and county at a time. You may contact your Sub-Regional VP with questions concerning numerous issues related to the local associations. It is their desire to assist foster/adoptive parents in their regions.
Educational Training
AFPAG concentrates on training and education of adoptive/foster parents and others working in the fields of adoption and family foster care. This educational emphasis encourages the retention of families by preparing them to conquer the hurdles present in the child welfare system. It also offers a format for networking and support of parents as they meet and relate to other parents who may be dealing with similar issues. There is an educational conference held annually for families to enjoy. The Annual Educational Conference is held each year in February at beautiful Jekyll Island, GA, and is the nation’s largest state foster/adoptive parent conference. Support, networking, information, and more are all part of the educational emphasis of AFPAG.
Government Advocacy
AFPAG acknowledges that there is always a need for improvements, and we are always searching for and supporting viable reforms that will improve the quality of the adoption environments and family foster care. As part of our Board of Directors, we have a Legislative Chairperson who works closely with the AFPAG President and Executive Vice President to educate Georgia State Legislators about the needs and concerns of foster/adoptive families and the children in their care. We promote constructive social action needed to bring about improvements in the child welfare system and in legislation pertaining to all children and families in general, as well as children in out-of-home placements. AFPAG represents all foster and adoptive parents of the Department of Human Resources: Division of Family and Children’s Services, Office of Adoptions, and Georgia General Assembly. AFPAG is the voice of families for their children.
Community Awareness
AFPAG seeks to promote community education and awareness of issues and needs of foster and adoptive care. Board members are encouraged to speak out locally to area groups, media, and interested parties on issues of concern and interest to families. It is the association’s intention to get the word out that there are children in need of families here in Georgia and that there are needs within the foster care/adoptive systems. AFPAG publishes a quality and informative newsletter each quarter for the membership and also for distribution to other interested parties.